spinnman.messages.spinnaker_boot package


Module contents

class spinnman.messages.spinnaker_boot.SpinnakerBootMessage(opcode, operand_1, operand_2, operand_3, data=None, offset=0)[source]

Bases: object

A message used for booting the board.

  • opcode (SpinnakerBootOpCode) – The operation of this packet

  • operand_1 (int) – The first operand

  • operand_2 (int) – The second operand

  • operand_3 (int) – The third operand

  • data (bytes or bytearray) – The optional data, up to 256 words

  • offset (int) – The offset of the valid data


SpinnmanInvalidParameterException – If the opcode is not a valid value

property bytestring

The message as a byte-string.

Return type:


property data

The data, or None if no data.

Return type:

bytes or bytearray

static from_bytestring(data, offset)[source]
Return type:


property opcode

The operation of this packet.

Return type:


property operand_1

The first operand.

Return type:


property operand_2

The second operand.

Return type:


property operand_3

The third operand.

Return type:


class spinnman.messages.spinnaker_boot.SpinnakerBootMessages(board_version=None, extra_boot_values=None)[source]

Bases: object

A set of boot messages to be sent to boot the board.

property messages

An iterable of message to be sent.

Return type:


class spinnman.messages.spinnaker_boot.SpinnakerBootOpCode(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Boot message Operation Codes.

HELLO = 65
class spinnman.messages.spinnaker_boot.SystemVariableDefinition(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Defines the system variables available.

  • data_type (_DataType) – The data type of the variable

  • offset (int) – The offset from the start of the system variable structure where the variable is found

  • default (object) – The default value assigned to the variable if not overridden

  • array_size (int or None) – The length of the array, or None if not an array

allocated_tag_table_address = _Definition(offset=220, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The address of the allocated tag table')
app_data_table_address = _Definition(offset=228, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The address of the application data table')
property array_size
board_info = _Definition(offset=248, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='A pointer to the board information structure')
board_test_flags = _Definition(offset=103, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Board testing flags')
boot_signature = _Definition(offset=92, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The boot signature')
clock_divisor = _Definition(offset=14, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=51, array_size=None, doc='The clock divisors for system & router clocks')
clock_drift = _Definition(offset=56, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The clock drift')
clock_milliseconds = _Definition(offset=16, data_type=<_DataType.LONG: 8>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The time since startup in milliseconds')
cpu_clock_mhz = _Definition(offset=36, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=200, array_size=None, doc='The CPU clock frequency in MHz')
cpu_information_base_address = _Definition(offset=204, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of the CPU information blocks')
property data_type
debug_x = _Definition(offset=5, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The x-coordinate of the chip to send debug messages to')
debug_y = _Definition(offset=4, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The y-coordinate of the chip to send debug messages to')
property default
ethernet_ip_address = _Definition(offset=240, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE_ARRAY: 16>, default=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', array_size=4, doc='The IP address of the chip')
first_free_router_entry = _Definition(offset=224, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The ID of the first free router entry')
fixed_route_copy = _Definition(offset=244, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='A (virtual) copy of the router FR register')
hardware_version = _Definition(offset=10, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The version of the hardware in use')
iobuf_size = _Definition(offset=80, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=16384, array_size=None, doc='The size of the iobuf buffer in bytes')
is_ethernet_available = _Definition(offset=11, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Indicates if Ethernet is available on this chip')
is_peer_to_peer_available = _Definition(offset=6, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Indicates if peer-to-peer is working on the chip')
is_root_chip = _Definition(offset=64, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Indicates if this is the root chip')
last_biff_id = _Definition(offset=102, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Last ID used in BIFF packet')
led_0 = _Definition(offset=48, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=1, array_size=None, doc='The first part of the LED definitions')
led_1 = _Definition(offset=52, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The last part of the LED definitions')
led_half_period_10_ms = _Definition(offset=43, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=1, array_size=None, doc='The LED half-period in 10 ms units, or 1 to show load')
lock = _Definition(offset=100, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The lock')
log_peer_to_peer_sequence_length = _Definition(offset=13, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=4, array_size=None, doc='Log (base 2) of the peer-to-peer sequence length')
ltpc_period = _Definition(offset=26, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='')
monitor_mailbox_flags = _Definition(offset=236, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The monitor incoming mailbox flags')
n_active_peer_to_peer_addresses = _Definition(offset=226, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of active peer-to-peer addresses')
n_scamp_working_cores = _Definition(offset=189, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of SCAMP working cores')
n_shared_message_buffers = _Definition(offset=65, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=7, array_size=None, doc='The number of shared message buffers')
n_working_cores = _Definition(offset=188, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of working cores')
nearest_ethernet_x = _Definition(offset=9, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The y-coordinate of the nearest chip with Ethernet')
nearest_ethernet_y = _Definition(offset=8, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The x-coordinate of the nearest chip with Ethernet')
nearest_neighbour_delay_us = _Definition(offset=66, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=20, array_size=None, doc='The delay between nearest-neighbour packets in microseconds')
nearest_neighbour_forward = _Definition(offset=40, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=63, array_size=None, doc='Nearest-Neighbour forward parameter')
nearest_neighbour_last_id = _Definition(offset=7, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The last ID used in nearest neighbour transaction')
nearest_neighbour_memory_pointer = _Definition(offset=96, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The memory pointer for nearest neighbour global operations')
nearest_neighbour_retry = _Definition(offset=41, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Nearest-Neighbour retry parameter')
netinit_bc_wait_time = _Definition(offset=44, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=50, array_size=None, doc='The time to wait after last BC during network initialisation in 10 ms units')
netinit_phase = _Definition(offset=45, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The phase of boot process (see enum netinit_phase_e)')
property offset
p2p_b_repeats = _Definition(offset=12, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=4, array_size=None, doc='Number of times to send out P2PB packets')
p2p_root_x = _Definition(offset=47, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The x-coordinate of the chip from which the system was booted')
p2p_root_y = _Definition(offset=46, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The y-coordinate of the chip from which the system was booted')
padding_2 = _Definition(offset=68, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='A word of padding')
padding_3 = _Definition(offset=190, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='A short of padding')
padding_4 = _Definition(offset=252, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='A word of padding')
peer_to_peer_hop_table_address = _Definition(offset=216, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The address of the peer-to-peer hop tables')
physical_to_virtual_core_map = _Definition(offset=148, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE_ARRAY: 16>, default=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', array_size=20, doc='The physical core ID to virtual core ID map')
random_seed = _Definition(offset=60, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The random seed')
router_table_copy_address = _Definition(offset=212, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The address of the copy of the routing tables')
router_time_phase_timer = _Definition(offset=32, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The router time-phase timer')
sdram_base_address = _Definition(offset=192, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of SDRAM')
sdram_clock_frequency_mhz = _Definition(offset=38, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=130, array_size=None, doc='The SDRAM clock frequency in MHz')
sdram_heap_address = _Definition(offset=76, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of the user SDRAM heap')
shared_message_buffer_address = _Definition(offset=232, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The address of the shared message buffers')
shared_message_count_in_use = _Definition(offset=108, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of shared message buffers in use')
shared_message_first_free_address = _Definition(offset=104, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='Pointer to the first free shared message buffer')
shared_message_maximum_used = _Definition(offset=110, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The maximum number of shared message buffers used')
software_watchdog_count = _Definition(offset=67, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of watch dog timeouts before an error is raised')
status_map = _Definition(offset=128, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE_ARRAY: 16>, default=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', array_size=20, doc='The status map set during SCAMP boot')
system_buffer_words = _Definition(offset=88, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=32768, array_size=None, doc='The size of the system buffer in words')
system_ram_base_address = _Definition(offset=196, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of System RAM')
system_ram_heap_address = _Definition(offset=72, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=1024, array_size=None, doc='The base address of the system SDRAM heap')
system_sdram_base_address = _Definition(offset=200, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of System SDRAM')
system_sdram_bytes = _Definition(offset=84, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=8388608, array_size=None, doc='The size of the system SDRAM in bytes')
system_sdram_heap_address = _Definition(offset=208, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The base address of the system SDRAM heap')
time_milliseconds = _Definition(offset=24, data_type=<_DataType.SHORT: 2>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of milliseconds in the current second')
time_phase_scale = _Definition(offset=15, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The time-phase scaling factor')
unix_timestamp = _Definition(offset=28, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The time in seconds since midnight, 1st January 1970')
user_temp_0 = _Definition(offset=112, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The first user variable')
user_temp_1 = _Definition(offset=116, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The second user variable')
user_temp_2 = _Definition(offset=120, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The third user variable')
user_temp_4 = _Definition(offset=124, data_type=<_DataType.INT: 4>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The fourth user variable')
virtual_to_physical_core_map = _Definition(offset=168, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE_ARRAY: 16>, default=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', array_size=20, doc='The virtual core ID to physical core ID map')
x = _Definition(offset=1, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The x-coordinate of the chip')
x_size = _Definition(offset=3, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of chips in the x-dimension')
y = _Definition(offset=0, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The y-coordinate of the chip')
y_size = _Definition(offset=2, data_type=<_DataType.BYTE: 1>, default=0, array_size=None, doc='The number of chips in the y-dimension')